Monday of this week marked our 1st month from
when we left the United States. I made
an apple pie for FHE dessert – we invited the Hobsons over for FHE. I had to use margarine instead of shortening
for the pie crust, so the crust was more elastic and firm rather than flakey,
but it was still very delicious as it was made with Granny Smith apples!
Monday is “P” day and our goal was to get close enough to
the water to see the waves breaking on the edge of the sea wall. We were gone about 4 hours and walked about 3
miles. (I originally wanted to find the
sand and beach to walk along, but Dad said we would have had to have walked
probably another 3 miles or so). We saw
some very interesting things on our walk.
When we went by one of the schools, it was recess, we supposed, and the
children were by the fence buying little wrapped candy treats from street
vendors through the fence. We turned
down “Avenida Guerra Popular” and threaded our way through street vendors
selling everything from apples and pineapples to shoes and electric converters.
We walked quite a ways and then were surprised to see this huge statue by the city’s old train station, “Estação dos caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (1908-1910).”
The next historical place we found was the Mozambique Fort
restored in 1955 from the 1800’s. This was on the sign: “Fortaleza (1955) Nossa senhora de Conceicão
Reconstruida no espaço da Velha Fortaleza.”
They didn’t have a tour, but there were lots of historical maps,
anchors, cannons and other things to look at.
Here are some of the iron reliefs which depicted battles in Gaza, which
was an earlier name for part of Mozambique.
Representação da Prisão de Naungunhar
Imperador de Gaza; Sculptor, Leopol de Almeida:
das Campanhas Miitares de Ocupação do Território; Sculptor, Leopoldo de Almeida:
Joaquim Mousinho de Albuquerque Comandante de Cavalria (with Richard); Sculptor, Semôes de Almeiea:
Representação de Militares das Campanhas de Ocupação:
This wooden casket, made by Paulo Como, holds the urn with the remains of Ngungunyane (1845-1906) King of Gaza from 1884-1895. He was a hero of the resistance of Portuguese colonization. He was exiled and died in Africa.
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We finally made it to the water.
This is a ferry that goes to Catembe Island.
Part of the plan for our walk was to go to the Kentucky Fried Chicken down near the water on “Avenida 25 de Setembro.” Well, we found the place and were going in, but were told that it was closed because they didn’t have any power! That was at noon – so we walked home and had leftover goulash at 1 p.m.! On the way home we saw this interesting panel on one of the roadsides:
Sunrise in Maputo:
On Tuesday evening we went to the English class which the
sister missionaries are teaching at the Maputo church building. Many young people and some adults were there
and it was interesting to observe that they had the same feelings of feelings
of reticence about trying to say English words as I have in trying to pronounce
Portuguese words. In the practice time,
Richard and I spoke with João, 17 years old.
I would ask him things in Portuguese and he would answer in English. It was fun helping each other.
In the evenings I have been working with Zoe on the Etienne
LUSSIER & Victoire RENAUD family.
She is researching on FamilySearch and I am researching on This family started out
with 5 known children. We are now up to
12! It’s fun to work together to gather
information on this 3rd great grand aunt & uncle.
It is springtime here and I like to gather blossoms which
have fallen from the trees and bushes and then press them. We went to a store named “Game” later in the week and they
had a little nursery outside with lots of indoor and outdoor flowers and
bushes. It is the only place I have seen
plants for sale. I picked out this pink
verbena plant and these deep purple and yellow mini petunias to put in one of
our balcony windows. I sure miss my
UPDATE: ants, 2 yellow bumble bees flying in tandem, 1
black bumble bee, a cabbage butterfly, and dragon flies both large and small.
In Primary
today, I only understood a little of what was said, but I am learning the
children’s songs in Portuguese and I love singing them with the children. One of the parts of their meeting I did
understand was their testimonies. Most
of them speak slower and the words they are using are familiar to me. We attended both branches again today. In the first sacrament meeting I felt the spirit and wanted to bear my testimony, but multiple people came up at a time
and the meeting ended before I made my way to join them. I was determined to go up during the next
meeting. I noticed that when people
wanted to go up to the microphone they went and sat on the first row of the
congregation, so when one sister went up I made my move and then I was
committed! My heart was pounding so much! “Boa tarde!
Eu não entendo todas as palavras em Portuguese, mas eu sento o Espirito
Santo. Eu tenho o testemunho A Igreja de
Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Ultimos Dias.
Sei que o Livro de Mormon é a palavra de Deus. Sei que o plano do salvation é muita
especialmente. Eu sei que Jesus Cristo é
meu Salvador. Sei que as familias ser
eterna. Eu assisto Primaria. Eu amo as criancas. Eu tenho netas e netos em Estados
Unidos. Eu amo minha netas e netos. Eu sou grata esta aqui em Mozambique. Eu quero de entender mais Portuguese. Este é
minha testemunho em nome de Jesus Cristo.
Amem.” I did it! I have a strong testimony. No language barrier is going to stop me from
sharing it!
Way to go Mom on the testimony!! You are a great example! You are both in our prayers and we love you so much!